i'm better now, i think. i've gotten into a rhythm with the kittens, and we've now worked out a regiment that allows them to sleep for a couple hours at a time, meaning i can take a walk to a neighborhood coffee shop and write, which i've been meaning to do for weeks. coming out of last week, i realized that not once in the months since i graduated, or quite possibly in the years i was in college, did i sit down and really think about what i want to do with my time and with my life. i'm sure now that academically, i want to continue with anthropology, and i'm applying to grad school to do just that. however, in the interim, i need to come up with something that makes me happy, because most of things i've been doing to keep myself busy recently (with the exception of my volunteering) haven't been cutting it. i don't want to feel like i'm wasting my life, but working as a grunt in retail doesn't really lead me to believe i'm doing anything else (and as countless resumes and interviews have proven, finding a "real job" is damn near impossible right now). anyway, long story shorter, i'm going to start actively working on myself.
*i've decided i don't have the energy to make a code name spreadsheet, so you all will now have the opportunity to learn the real names of everyone i know.
**i say "could have been" for several reasons: a) i didn't go to a doctor, and therefore, as my grandpa always reminds me, i can't ever be sure; b) i'd rather not have had ringworm; c) it did, however, go away when i used anti-fungal cream twice a day.