so, good news: i did not get violently ill. instead, i grew a persistent, obnoxious cough, which means i think i have the black lung, pop. cough, cough. typically, i'd be nervous about having such a terrible, lingering respiratory issue, but i'm trying not to let my hypochondria spin out of control all the time these days. therefore, i will track whether or not i recover in time and if i don't, i will suck it up and go to a doctor.*
also, it's the weekend! after weeks and weeks of working at the school, i still relish being able to leave on friday and have two whole days to myself, like most normal working people. when i was working in the "baby store," i constantly got jerked around, and i learned to expect my hours to be changed weekly, daily or even throughout a single work day (the store was independently owned, which allowed my boss more freedom to jamble her employees' lives). now, though, one of the great pleasures of my life is to have an entire saturday off.
one of the kids at school has started calling me a "sarcastic sass face," mostly because i used my incredible wit several times recently to snap him out of a fruit roll-up induced playground rage. i don't mind my new nickname at all, and i think i actually (not so) secretly love it. it's pretty amazing what taunting me with this name does to him, too. he's almost never sad or surly or upset anymore because he's almost constantly jumping around in my field of vision singing "sass face," which works the double magic of making my job easier and melting my heart.
lastly, i've spent the last two hours listening to country music blasting down from the apartment above us and beer-fueled belches coming from our new next-door neighbors' patio. i hate what this apartment complex has become. it used to be all quiet single loner types and it's suddenly gotten really aggressively nascar.
*among other things, graduating from college made me realize just how good a perpetual freak-out like me had it when i had a student health center at my beck and call. even with insurance, doctor bills are insane - meaning no unnecessary visits for me.