
Monday, February 28, 2011


apology: i had no intention in turning this blog into the type of thing the crazy old lady down the street would write as she sat rocking back and forth on her rickety porch.  i realize the crazy old lady in this scenario is me, and for that, i am sorry.  however, i do, on occasion, have deep thoughts and i like to share.

so, to the past week.  i flew to and returned from the forensic science conference in chicago.  it was amazing for me to see the extreme diversity of studies presented, because i have lots and lots of ideas and was thinking i had very few options for synthesizing them.  now, though, i'm feeling much better about my future thesis, which is not to say that i know exactly what's going on, but i'm feeling less pressure/insanity about it.

additionally, i learned that i have effectively pulled most of the joy out of my wardrobe, which is both a good thing and a bad thing.  i've mentioned before that in college, i had jessica simpson syndrome and essentially just had a horrible wardrobe.  recently, i found proof:

ok, first of all, ignore what's going on with my face.  second, what the hell i am i wearing on my body?  third, check out that closet shot.  you can see fragments of about ten items and it's already obvious that nothing goes together and it's all insane.  as a child, i was convinced that if you wore blocks of colors, your outfit was inherently put together.  um, no, but unfortunately, this philosophy carried me until i was 21.  i've since stopped shopping the clearance racks at ridiculous stores and have only purchased things in about four colors: white, black/grey, dark blue and purple/bright pink (because i love me some salmon t-shirts).  thus, in most of the photos from the conference, i am in neutral head to toe.  it's ok, though, because most of the time, i matched.  

as a side note, i never, ever wore the horrible beige gauzy skirt visible hanging in that college apartment closet. it hung there because it was $5 at urban.  i seriously had a problem.

1 comment:

Dr. Sally Pickles said...

How in the world do you expect me to ignore what is going on with your face????? :-)