
Sunday, January 3, 2010

(money) launderer

so, we buckled. instead of carting all our clothing to a laundromat, we packed it all into the car and carted it 3o minutes to my parents' house! what we lost in transit we made up for in free laundering and dinner with my family, which is always wonderous. i would honestly rather drive up here all the time to wash my clothes comfortably than pay $5.00-a-load at our apartment complex. we're currently waiting for the umpteenth load to dry and could quite possibly be here all night.

i am so not pleased about starting work again tomorrow. after all the total insanity that was this fall, and after the relatively low-key holiday season (during which i did nothing and slept in until 11 am nearly every day), i can't really fathom having to start it all again. blarg.

in other news, i worked in the lab at the museum today and finally asked the director for a letter of recommendation for grad school applications (oh, yeah, i'm doing those again - i'm a glutton for punishment, i guess) - this is a big deal because i've been too intimidated to ask her about writing one for approximately one full year now. yipee!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Good posts! You're off to a good start this year! Not to mention, you're keeping your reader entertained. :)