
Friday, January 1, 2010

happy new year!  i'm very excited for all the things to come, and my excitement has led me to this: i've decided that i'm going to post something every day this year.  2010 promises to be a year full of changes, of new experiences and will definitely force me to do things outside my comfort zone.  in short, i'm planning on being a much bigger grown up exactly one year from today.  and, much like people who keep a food journal to monitor what they eat, i want to use this blog as both a motivator and a memory-keeper, so that when i feel like not doing something i absolutely need to, i can feel responsible, at least in some very minor way, to what i've written here.  and, as an added bonus, when this year is over and all the monumentous things i'm looking forward to are over, i can have a record of all the thoughts and feelings i thought were soooo important at the time.  

win, win.

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